Understanding What is 6 Card Bonus in 3 Card Poker: A Quick Guide

what is 6 card bonus in 3 card poker

If you’re a fan of three card poker, you may have heard of the 6 card bonus feature. But what exactly is it, and how does it work? The 6 card bonus is a side bet that gives players the chance to win big payouts if their hand contains a three of a kind or higher, using a combination of their own hand and the dealer’s up card.

In this guide, we’ll take a closer look at the specifics of the 6 card bonus in 3 card poker. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, understanding this bonus feature could give you the edge you need to win big.

Key Takeaways

  • The 6 card bonus is a side bet in 3 card poker that offers players the chance to win big payouts.
  • Players must combine their own three cards with the dealer’s up card to qualify for the bonus.
  • The rules and mechanics of the 6 card bonus can vary depending on the casino or online platform.
  • Understanding the specific rules and hand rankings needed to qualify for the bonus is key to maximizing your chances of winning.
  • Tips and strategies for playing 3 card poker with the 6 card bonus can help enhance your gameplay and improve your overall experience.

Explaining the 6 Card Bonus in 3 Card Poker

If you’re new to Three Card Poker, you may have heard of the 6 Card Bonus side bet. This optional bonus bet allows players to compete for even bigger payouts based on a combination of their own three cards, plus the dealer’s three cards.

In this section, we’ll provide a detailed explanation of the 6 Card Bonus in 3 Card Poker to help you understand how it works and how to make the most of it when playing.

How the 6 Card Bonus Works

The 6 Card Bonus is a side bet that can be placed alongside the ante and play bets. To qualify for the 6 Card Bonus, players must make both an ante bet and a play bet and have a Straight or better hand. If the player’s hand qualifies, their six-card hand is combined with the dealer’s three-card hand to create the best possible poker combination. The payout for this bet is based on the paytable, which varies from casino to casino.

Understanding the Paytable

The 6 Card Bonus paytable can vary depending on the casino, but most offer payouts for hands that include three-of-a-kind, straight, flush, full house, four-of-a-kind, straight flush, and royal flush. For example, at some casinos, a hand of three-of-a-kind pays 7 to 1, while a straight flush pays 1000 to 1. It’s important to read the paytable before placing your 6 Card Bonus bet so you know what payouts to expect.

Tips for Playing with the 6 Card Bonus

While the 6 Card Bonus can offer bigger payouts, it’s important to remember that it is an optional side bet. Players should always prioritize their ante and play bets before placing a 6 Card Bonus bet. Additionally, because the odds of hitting a high-ranking hand are relatively low, it’s important to manage your bankroll and not get too carried away with this side bet.

That being said, if you do decide to place a 6 Card Bonus bet, it’s best to aim for higher-ranking hands like four-of-a-kind and higher. This is because the payouts for these hands are often much higher than those for lower-ranking hands like three-of-a-kind or a straight.

Overall, the 6 Card Bonus can be an exciting addition to Three Card Poker gameplay. By understanding the basic rules and paytable, players can make informed decisions about whether or not to place this optional side bet and potentially win big!

How Does the 6 Card Bonus Work in 3 Card Poker?

The 6 card bonus is an optional side bet in 3 card poker that allows players to potentially win big payouts based on the strength of their six card hand. To qualify for the 6 card bonus, players must place a wager on it prior to the deal. Once the bets have been placed, the dealer will deal three cards face down to each player and themselves.

After players have evaluated their hands, they can either fold and forfeit their ante, or place an additional bet to stay in the game. Once all players have made their decision, the dealer will reveal their hand and determine the winners.

To qualify for the 6 card bonus, players must have a three card hand that meets the minimum hand ranking requirement for the bonus (usually a pair or better). If a player’s three card hand qualifies for the bonus, their six card hand is then evaluated to determine their bonus payout.

The payout for the 6 card bonus is determined by the ranking of the player’s six card hand. The highest ranking six card hand is a royal flush, followed by a straight flush, four of a kind, full house, flush, straight, three of a kind, and two pairs. If a player does not have a qualifying three card hand, they will not be eligible for the 6 card bonus payout, even if they have a strong six card hand.

It is important to note that while the 6 card bonus can result in significant payouts, it is still an optional side bet and does not guarantee winning hands. As with any form of gambling, players should exercise responsible bankroll management and only bet what they can afford to lose.

Now that you understand how the 6 card bonus works in 3 card poker, you can incorporate this knowledge into your gameplay and potentially increase your chances of winning big.

Understanding the Rules of the 6 Card Bonus in 3 Card Poker

While the 6 card bonus in 3 card poker can be a lucrative feature, it is essential to understand the rules and requirements to qualify for it.

To begin with, players must place a standard ante bet and pair plus bet to qualify for the 6 card bonus. Once the bets are placed, the dealer will deal three cards face down to each player and themselves.

For the 6 card bonus, players must form the best possible five-card poker hand using their three cards and the dealer’s three cards. The dealer’s hand is dealt face down, and only revealed once all players have made their decisions.

To qualify for the bonus, players must have a minimum of a three-of-a-kind hand, with the payout based on the rarity of the hand. For example, a straight flush hand pays higher than a three-of-a-kind hand.

It is important to note that the 6 card bonus payout is not dependent on whether the player wins the ante or pair plus bets. Instead, it is a separate bonus payout based solely on the quality of the player’s five-card hand.

Additionally, some casinos may have specific rules regarding the payout structure or hand rankings needed to qualify for the bonus. It is imperative to familiarize oneself with the specific rules before playing.

Overall, understanding the rules of the 6 card bonus in 3 card poker is crucial to one’s success in the game. By grasping these rules, players can make informed decisions regarding their bets and optimize their gameplay.

Tips for Playing 3 Card Poker with the 6 Card Bonus

Playing 3 card poker with the 6 card bonus can be an exciting and rewarding experience for those who understand the rules and strategies involved. Here are some tips to help you make the most of this bonus feature:

  • Understand the hand rankings: To qualify for the 6 card bonus, you need to have a three-card hand of at least a three of a kind. However, the bonus payout increases with stronger hands, so aim for a straight flush or three aces if possible.
  • Manage your bankroll: While the 6 card bonus offers the potential for big payouts, it’s essential to approach the game with a sound bankroll management strategy. Set limits on your bets and don’t chase losses.
  • Play the Pair Plus bet: In addition to the 6 card bonus, 3 card poker also offers a Pair Plus bet, which pays out for any hand with a pair or better. While this bet doesn’t affect the bonus payout, it can add some extra excitement to the game.
  • Stick to a betting strategy: Whether you prefer conservative or aggressive betting, it’s important to have a consistent strategy when playing 3 card poker with the 6 card bonus. Adjust your bets based on your hand strength and the size of the bonus payout.
  • Practice before you play: If you’re new to 3 card poker or the 6 card bonus, it’s wise to practice the game for free or with small bets before risking larger amounts. This will help you gain confidence and develop your skills.

By keeping these tips in mind, you’ll be well on your way to mastering 3 card poker with the 6 card bonus. Remember to approach the game with a level head, have fun, and always gamble responsibly.

Mastering the Game Rules of 3 Card Poker

Now that we have covered the 6 card bonus in 3 card poker, it is important to have a clear understanding of the game rules. This will help players make better decisions, increase their chances of winning, and fully enjoy the playing experience.

What is 3 Card Poker?

3 card poker is a fast-paced casino game that combines elements of poker and blackjack. It is played using a standard 52-card deck, and the objective is to make a better three-card hand than the dealer.

How Does 3 Card Poker Work?

The game begins with each player and the dealer being dealt three cards face down. Players can then choose to either fold or make a play bet, which must be equal to the ante. Once all bets are placed, the dealer reveals their hand, and the winner is determined based on who has the best three-card hand.

Understanding the Hand Rankings in 3 Card Poker

Hand rankings in 3 card poker differ slightly from traditional poker, with straight flushes outranking three of a kind. The highest ranked hand is a straight flush, followed by three of a kind, straight, flush, pair, and high card.

The Role of the 6 Card Bonus in 3 Card Poker

The 6 card bonus in 3 card poker is an optional side bet that allows players to win additional payouts based on their six-card hand. To qualify for the bonus, the player must have at least a three-of-a-kind in their three-card hand. The bonus payout is based on the strength of the player’s six-card hand, with higher payouts for stronger hands.

Top Tips for Success in 3 Card Poker

  • Only play hands with a queen, six, and four or better.
  • Know when to fold and when to make a play bet.
  • Always make the 6 card bonus bet to increase potential winnings.
  • Manage your bankroll carefully to avoid excessive losses.


Overall, the rules of 3 card poker are relatively simple, but the inclusion of the 6 card bonus adds an extra layer of strategy and excitement to the game. By understanding the hand rankings, bonus rules, and key tips for success, players can improve their gameplay and increase their chances of coming out on top.

Understanding Rummy on the Board: A Comprehensive Guide


Understanding the 6 card bonus in 3 card poker is essential for any player looking to improve their gameplay and increase their chances of winning. By following the rules and mechanics of the bonus feature, players can gain an edge and potentially earn significant payouts.

Throughout this article, we have provided a comprehensive guide to the 6 card bonus in 3 card poker. We have explained how the bonus works, the hand rankings required to qualify, and the potential payouts involved. Additionally, we have offered tips and strategies for playing 3 card poker with the 6 card bonus, including bankroll management and betting strategies.

Apply What You’ve Learned

With this knowledge in mind, we encourage readers to apply what they have learned and enjoy the game of 3 card poker with a competitive edge. Remember to always play responsibly and within your means, and have fun exploring the exciting world of 3 card poker!


What is the 6 card bonus in 3 card poker?

The 6 card bonus is an additional feature in 3 card poker that allows players to make an optional side bet based on the combined value of their hand and the dealer’s hand. It offers the potential for additional winnings on top of the regular game payouts.

How does the 6 card bonus work in 3 card poker?

To participate in the 6 card bonus, players must place a separate side bet alongside their main ante/play bet. The side bet is based on the best possible 5-card hand that can be made by combining the player’s 3 cards with the dealer’s 3 cards. Payouts are determined by a paytable and can vary depending on the strength of the hand.

What are the rules of the 6 card bonus in 3 card poker?

The rules for the 6 card bonus in 3 card poker typically require a minimum hand strength to qualify for a payout. The specific hand rankings needed can vary, but they often follow poker hand hierarchy, such as a straight or three of a kind. Players should consult the paytable or the game rules to understand the qualifying criteria for the bonus.

Are there any tips for playing 3 card poker with the 6 card bonus?

When playing with the 6 card bonus, it is important to consider your overall strategy. It is advisable to only make the side bet if you have a strong hand or believe that the combined 6-card hand will be in your favor. Additionally, managing your bankroll and setting limits on your bets can help maximize your gaming experience and minimize potential losses.

Where can I learn more about the game rules of 3 card poker?

For a comprehensive understanding of the game rules of 3 card poker, including the 6 card bonus, it is recommended to consult the specific rules provided by the casino or gaming establishment. Many online resources and books also offer detailed explanations and strategies for playing 3 card poker.

I've been interested in gambling games since my teenage years. I've made some profit and sometimes not. I choose to enjoy the thrill of playing, rather than focusing on making a fortune.